FNF Michael Jacksons Rose Criminal Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

FNF Michael Jacksons Rose Criminal

📅 11.08.2021 Played 2550 times 9 votes

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About FNF Michael Jacksons Rose Criminal


Are you ready to face off the King of Pop in a musical battle of rhythm? Well, if there is anyone that can defeat him, it is certainly you and Boyfriend working as a team, something we are inviting you all to do right now and here with this awesome game called FNF Michael Jackson's Rose Criminal!

Taken on the King of Pop, or maybe all of the music, together with BF!

A remix of Roses is the song you battle him on, and it is made in the style of MJ, so you can imagine how cool it will sound, so you and Boyfriend need to keep the rhythm up!

When you see the arrows above BF match above his head when your turn comes, you need to press the same arrow keys on the keyboard to match them and the timing.

Keep doing so until the song ends to become the winner, but be careful about missing notes, because if you miss too many of them in a row, you lose and have to start again. Enjoy!


     Programming by ninjamuffin99
     Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
     Music by Kawai Sprite
Mod by:

  • ThatWingDing (Remixer, Charting)
  • JoeyTheRavioli (Overall Artist)
  • Tab64 (Icon Artist, Playtester)
  • Cazsu (Playtester, Overall Quality Assurance)
  • Original Mod

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.