FNF Plants Night Funkin Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

FNF Plants Night Funkin

📅 05.10.2021 Played 1565 times 8 votes

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About FNF Plants Night Funkin


FNF Plants Night Funkin is one of the most interesting remakes of FNF, where you have the songs of the first four original weeks, but instead of the regular antagonists, they have been replaced by various plants and flowers, with this game being heavily inspired by Plants Vs Zombies, with you playing the role of a sunflower.

Help the plants defeat the zombies through music!

Whether you play in the story mode or the free play mode, your goal is the same, which is reaching the end of the songs by playing all their notes according to the charts.

To do this, press arrow keys at the same time as the arrow symbols above your avatar match one another, but be careful not to miss doing it too many times in a row, because that will lead to you losing the whole game. Enjoy!


  • Programming by ninjamuffin99
  • Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
  • Music by Kawai Sprite

Mod developed by:

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.