Friday Night Funkin VS Fueg0 Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

Friday Night Funkin VS Fueg0

📅 26.11.2021 Played 919 times 0 votes

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About Friday Night Funkin VS Fueg0


We've seen how much the audiences on our website love to have their favorite YouTube personalities in FNF mods to play for free, which is why right now we are very excited to share with you all the latest one, where Fuego0 is the newest antagonist from this social media world that BF has to face off, and you will do it on the following songs:

  • Escape Reality
  • Shock
  • Limit

Show Fueg0 your fiery love for music!

Whether you choose the story mode or free play mode in the main menu, the way to win remains the same, and it is by reaching the end of the songs, which you can only do if you play their notes when your turn comes according to the charts.

This means that when you see the arrow symbols float and match above BF's head, you have to press the identical arrow keys. Don't miss pressing the keys multiple times in a row, because multiple missed notes mean you lose the game and have to start it again. Enjoy!

Mod Credits:

  • fueg0 (The Main Dev And Musician)
  • ElemnopeeACX (The Main Artist)
  • ash237 (Coder)
  • GWebDev (Additional Help)
  • Flippy (Play Tester)
  • Its Legacy (Menu Song Rapper)
  • CritVA (Fueg0 And Bf Voice Actor)
  • DisasterCupcake (Gf Voice Actor 1)
  • Angelattes (Gf Voice Actor 2)
  • BombasticHype (Icon Artist)
  • Sini (New GF Sprites)
  • SnowTheFox (Modcharter)
  • Kullix (1st Song Charter)
  • ILuvGemz (2nd Song Charter)
  • Lunarium (3rd Song Charter)
  • Ketamine (StarCatcher Blammed Maker)
  • xndcrafter (Promo Art)
  • RedstyPhoenix (StoryWriter)
  • Bizzare_Ethen (First Concept Of Fueg0)

Original Credits:

  • ninjamuffin99
  • PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
  • Kawai Sprite

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.