Garfield Tango Toss

📅 26.05.2019 Played 3216 times 7 votes

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About Garfield Tango Toss


New Garfield Games are always a treat to have on our website, and it is for that very reason we are now very happy to offer you all the game called Garfield Tango Toss, especially since there have not been any dancing games added on this page before, so you are in for a new and interesting experience, one that we have really enjoyed ourselves, so we are positive that the same thing is going to apply to everyone else here as well.

Let's explain what it is you do and how, after which playing the game will be a piece of cake, guaranteed! Garfield and Arlene are dancing, and they want to collect roses, only they can't since they are arm-in-arm. To move the dancers on the stage, use the right and left arrow keys. Toss Arlene into the air with the spacebar, and while she is flying, grab roses. Then, make sure to grab her again, or you lose lives. If she also grabs a rose, you get extra points.

Do not catch any of the legumes, or you lose points because of that. Good luck to everyone, and don't stop here, since there will be more content coming here today for you to enjoy!

Game controls

Use the arrows and spacebar.