Grand Prix Hero

📅 07.04.2020 Played 1239 times 8 votes

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About Grand Prix Hero


We can't say that many Formula 1 Games online had been added in the past on our website, but since we are positive that we have plenty of fans of racing games, surely there will be many of you very happy that right now we added for you a game such as Grand Prix Hero, where you get to go behind the wheel of a Formula 1 racing car and race against all sorts of other racers like you never had the chance to before, on some of the hottest Grand Prix tracks in the world!

They have been recreated just like in reality, making the virtual experience quite an exciting one. There are four races in the series, and in order to win the racing tournament, you have to win one after the other and become the racing champion. Controlling your car is simple, as you use the right and left arrow keys to turn.

Dodge any traffic you encounter and get ahead of the other cars you are racing against when you find boosts, go on them to get the speed and get ahead of the others, and if you find coins on the tracks, collect them, since they can be used to upgrade your car for further races, so you get faster.

Good luck to all the racers, start the fun right now and here, and don't stop, since we've got plenty more fun content in store for you, which we would hate for you to miss out on!


Game controls

Use the arrows.