Hit The Bullseye

📅 07.07.2019 Played 1389 times 0 votes

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About Hit The Bullseye


It has been a while since we have last had any football kicking games online on our website, so of course we are happy that right now we get to share with you such a game, since right now and here you get to have a great time with the game called Hit The Bullseye, a precision sport game that we're sure everyone here is going to love a lot, since the same can be said of our own amazing time with it.

We will now proceed to explain what you have to do in it, after which you will be able to play the game with ease, guaranteed! With the mouse, you are going to swipe into the direction you want to shoot the ball, with the goal being to get it into the gate, but not anywhere in it, but right in the target shown to you in it.

If you miss hitting the goal three times, you lose the game, so you can't let that happen, ok? Now, you know what to do, so give the game your very best, and maybe share it with your friends as well, since they might also find it very fun!

Game controls

Use the mouse.