Impawsible Fame

📅 14.07.2019 Played 1599 times 5 votes

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About Impawsible Fame


We're positive that you all are up for some more new and fun We Bare Bears Games online, so count on us being very excited that right now we get to share with you the game called Impawsible Fame, a game that is unlike any other ones we have added here before, so for anything in the world we hope that you don't miss the chance to play it, since you would only be missing out on a really great time that you could be having.

Up next in this article we teach you what to do, so keep on reading! You have to tap on the different animals all around the tower of bears, in order to make them go away, because if they bring the tower down you lose, something you can't want happening, right? With the mouse, you drag bears from the boxes and place them so that you create the towers.

You have to remember the order that the bears come in the boxes, so that you place them appropriately one over the other because if you create the tower in the right way, you earn more points in return. Good luck, and don't stop here, since there are even more awesome games you could be checking out right now!

Game controls

Use the mouse.