Jewel Aquarium

📅 09.05.2019 Played 1465 times 0 votes

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About Jewel Aquarium


We've always brought you only the best-bejeweled games on the internet, which is what we are very happy to be doing right now as well, when each and every one of you are invited to have the best of times with a game such as Jewel Aquarium, a match three game where you are going to use fish instead of jewels, colored fish, and we have no doubt at all that you are going to have a tremendous time, just like we've had.

This following part of the article explains how the game works, so don't worry about not knowing how the game works. Click on two fish to change them between one another, with the purpose of forming horizontal or vertical rows of three or more identical fish of the same color, eliminating and getting points in return.

There is a certain number of points you need to make using this method at each level, and you have a limited number of moves in which you can do it. Good luck, enjoy, and don't stop here, since we have brought you multiple other great games to play today, and we invite you to check them out also!

Game controls

Use the mouse.