Uncle Grandpa Bejeweled

📅 01.03.2020 Played 1300 times 0 votes

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About Uncle Grandpa Bejeweled


While Uncle Grandpa Games has been a category that has had all sorts of interesting content added in it so far, never before have there been any match 3 games online added to this page, so you can imagine us being excited that right now we get to share with you a new and awesome game such as Uncle Grandpa Bejeweled, which we would hope you will not be missing out on for anything!

In case you want to play it, let's explain how you do it right now and here, especially for those not familiar with the process. You have three minutes to make as many matches as possible since every match gives you points in return, and we have no doubt at all that you are looking to great a big score, right?

To make matches, swap candy between them to form horizontal or vertical rows of three identical sweets, which will then be removed from the screen, making a place for new ones, and bringing you points. Watch the candy carefully to try and make matches and eliminate as many sweets in one go as you can.

What was your best score? Tell us in the comments, and if you have friends who you think would also love this game, make sure to invite them over, as they might not know that the best games with Uncle Grandpa can be found only on ZUZU!

Game controls

Use the mouse.