Lunas Postcards Around the World Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

Lunas Postcards Around the World

📅 10.03.2021 Played 1211 times 2 votes

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About Lunas Postcards Around the World


There have not been any memory games previously added into our category of Let's Go Luna Games online, which is why we are very excited that right at this moment we could share with each and every one of you a new and awesome game such as Luna's Postcards Around the World, where you get to travel the world while improving your memorization skills, so what is there not to like?

First of all, get familiar with the locations you will visit, from multiple countries all over the globe, and it is up to you where you start off with. You have cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Nairobi, Munich, Beijing, Cusco, or Tokyo, and for each level, you see a big postcard in the middle, with a representative picture, and cards around it that you have to match.

Click on two of the cards at a time to flip them around, and when the two cards you have selected and turned around are identical, they are matched and removed, and once all of the cards have been removed using this method, the level is cleared, and you can then do the same while visiting another city.

It is all that simple and fun, so start the fun now and here, and don't hesitate to share this game with as many of your travel-hungry friends as possible!

Game controls

Use the mouse.