MiniBattles 2-6 Players

📅 08.09.2020 Played 2511 times 18 votes

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About MiniBattles 2-6 Players


From the title of the game called MiniBattles 2-6 Players, you can already tell that you are in for a whole deal of fun since you can be joined by up to five of your friends in it, where you will battle one another in all sorts of contests, just like you did in the previous MiniBattles game, only this one is even better because you can play together with so many other people, which makes the fighting and challenges more exciting!

First of all, the six players should know what keys to use in their mini-games, and they are: C, N, Q, P, Right Arrow, Left Arrow. The games are made in such a way that you only need to press one of the keys to make the action required for that game, be it shooting, hitting, accelerating, and more.

Among the games that you will be able to play you have Space Battles, Boxing, Mini-Golf, Planes, Tank Wars, Archery, and many more, and you should not worry about not knowing what to do, since each mini-game is simple, and you can easily learn what you do in it when you start playing it.

Now that you understand how much fun can be had with this game, nothing should hold you back from having fun with it right now and here, and, hopefully, we will see you play even more of our games afterward!

Game controls

Use the C, N, P, Q, Right Arrow, Left Arrow keys.