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Mission Paw

📅 18.07.2019 Played 4106 times 19 votes

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About Mission Paw


We bet you were not expecting to find spy games added into the Paw Patrol Games category of our website today, which is precisely why we are very excited at the fact that right now here we get to share with everyone a wonderful game such as this one, a game that is entitled Mission Paw, which will be unlike any other game you have played on this page before, so we really hope you give it a chance right away, seeing for yourself why it is worth playing.

We will now proceed to explain the game's format, so pay attention to this to the end! The royal crown of dogs has been stolen, so it is up to you and the patrol to save it and retrieve it. In the first level, you are going to infiltrate the palace by the way of the underwater system, so you are going to swim using the up and down arrow keys.

You have to make sure to avoid the whirls, and along the way, until you reach the finish line, collect as many treats as possible and increase your score, simple as that. Then, your mission continues with new and exciting challenges, so start the fun right away!

Game controls

Use the arrows.