Monkey Dentist

📅 29.06.2019 Played 5190 times 17 votes

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About Monkey Dentist


You might be surprised to see that dentist games are being brought over to a category like Monkey Games online, but you should really not be, since you must know by now that our administrative team is always trying its best to make each of our categories as diverse as possible, and this should definitely apply to this category as well. Even monkeys need to take care of their teeth, and these ones have been quite in bad shape, so you will fix them.

If you don't regularly play dentist games, don't worry, since right here and now we explain everything you need to know regarding the game's format. The monkey will have its mouth open, but you need to be careful how you pick on his teeth since you have to click correctly on them, and in fast time as well because otherwise, you will get your hand to be caught by the monkey. If that happens, you lose, and you have to click the replay button to start again.

Good luck in this skill game with dentists and monkeys, and when you're done, maybe you share it with friends, inviting them over to enjoy even more great content distributed by our team!

Game controls

Use the mouse.