Nella the Princess Knight Rollerfest

📅 26.07.2019 Played 2832 times 7 votes

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About Nella the Princess Knight Rollerfest


Roller skating games have never before been added in our category of Nella the Princess Knight Games category, and we actually don't have many of these kinds of games on our website in general, which is why we are very happy that right at this moment we get to share with each and every one of you an awesome game such as Nella the Princess Knight Rollerfest, with which we are sure you will be having a tremendous time.

To make sure of that, this following part of the article teaches you what to do, so why don't you read this to the end? Nella is rolling ahead, only on her path there are going to be all sorts of obstacles, and those you have to remove in order for her to advance. To accomplish that, you are given a magical sword.

With the mouse, you are going to click on the sword and then drag it over the dotted line, so that you complete it and thus eliminate that object from your path, simple as that. Good luck to everyone, and don't stop here, since more amazing games are coming for you right here and now, all for free!

Game controls

Use the mouse.