Paw Patrol Garden Rescue

📅 25.07.2020 Played 3152 times 17 votes

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About Paw Patrol Garden Rescue


The Paw Patrol gang has yet another mission, and this time they have been asked by a farmer in the town to help him with his garden because it has not been making the crops it used to, so he thought that only you and the pups can find a solution to save the day and help him have a good harvest by the end of the year since that is the only way he makes any income.

That is why right now you will be playing the game called Paw Patrol Garden Rescue, whose gameplay we explain right now so that you know a little bit about the gardening activities you will be doing! You will start with the first level, where you have to plant some flowers and vegetables in the garden because, at this point, it is quite empty.

Use the shovel to dig the holes first, place the seeds inside of them, which you then cover them with dirt again. Of course, if you just leave them like that, nothing grows, so next up you have to water the plants and vegetables constantly since that is the only way they are going to grow into healthy crops for the harvest.

This is the first farming activity you need to know about, but we're letting you discover the other ones yourselves, as you will be doing maintenance on the garden, and make sure to grow as many crops as possible. Start now, and when you're done, don't hesitate to play around with the Paw Patrol even more after this game!

Game controls

Use the mouse.