Pony Pet Salon

📅 12.01.2019 Played 2918 times 13 votes

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About Pony Pet Salon


Pony Pet Salon is a game where you have to dress four different ponies: Honey, Flora, Belle or Diva. After you decide which of this pony will be the first one, you will have to ask for it in your beauty salon, and then take care of the necessary preparations to make it shine. For starters, we will have to take a shower, which is why we need to take a shower and wash it using soap and a special solution for horses' fur. After you've managed to wash your body, we'll have to go ahead and take care of the bushy tail like the horse's tail.

Eventually, we will have to take the scissors to shorten the hairstyle, but great care because our pony does not want to cut it off very much. You can also paint or give it some pussy balsam to make your hair shiny and silky. Take the dryer and completely dry the fur and the ponytail, and then we will have to go to the room with clothes and ponies where you have to dress the pony in the most interesting and beautiful clothes and accessory, and then you can move on to the playground where you can spend more time with your pet.

Game controls

Use the mouse.