RLGL Arena

📅 26.11.2021 Played 4079 times 44 votes

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About RLGL Arena


It is with incredible excitement that at this moment we can share with our many visitors a game such as RLGL Arena because this is the first Squid Game online that you can play together as a group of five, as this is the first 5-player game in the category, where you and four more friends or family members can take part in the thrilling, scary, and exciting Red Light, Green Light race from SG!

Survive the race without getting shot and by overtaking the other players!

As we mentioned earlier, up to five real players can control their own avatar in the race, and they do so using the following keys: Q, P, Y, X, M. When pressing these keys you move forward, when you stop pressing them, you stay in place.

Only move when you have the green light, and make sure to stop when you have the red light because if you are still moving, you get shot and eliminated from the race.

You have to win by crossing the finish line in the given time of one minute and trying to rank better than the other real players, as well as the virtual ones controlled by the GPU.

We wish good luck to all five of you, all the best, and we invite you to stick around for more of our daily games, you are not going to get disappointed in the least!

Game controls

Use the Q, P, Y, X, M keys.