Robo Battle

📅 28.06.2019 Played 1467 times 7 votes

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About Robo Battle


Puzzle games and platform games with robots have always been in the interest of lots of children all over the world, so imagine how happy we are that we get to bring you an awesome such game right here and now, where everyone is invited to have the best of times ever with the game called Robo Battle, a game we recommend and which we teach you how to play right here, making sure that you won't have any difficulties with it.

Now, allow us to explain, after which you should be able to give the game your very best! Move and jump with your robot by using the arrow keys, and to shoot or fire your weapons, press the A key. You have to reach the end of each level safely, without getting defeated by enemy robots along the way, and you also need to be careful so that you don't hit any traps of obstacles since that is going to hinder your progress also.

Don't let enemies survive, or they will hit back and try to take you out instead. Good luck, and when you're done here, make sure you give a chance to some more of our great games afterward!

Game controls

Use the arrows and A key.