Shimmer and Shine Find Objects

📅 24.07.2019 Played 3083 times 14 votes

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About Shimmer and Shine Find Objects


We don't think that we have had any hidden objects games online added before in our category of Shimmer and Shine Games online, which is precisely why in this moment you are all invited to have a terrific time with a lovely game such as Shimmer and Shine Find Objects, with which we have had a tremendous time with, so there is no chance at all that the same won't be true of your own time with it as well. Now, let's see what you do in it, so you can start at once.

There are two levels, and in each of them, you have a different picture with the characters of the show. Instead of looking for hidden objects in them, you are actually looking for certain parts of the image, which are listed down below, and you click on them when you do. Click wrong three times, and you lose the game, so be careful.

Also, each level needs to be cleared by finding the hidden spots before the time granted for that runs out on you, so try to be both careful and fast. Good luck, and stick around if you are up for more fun since here you will find everything you need!

Game controls

Use the mouse.