Shimmer and Shine 1 2 3 Music Key

📅 24.07.2019 Played 3118 times 23 votes

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About Shimmer and Shine 1 2 3 Music Key


Yes, there are plenty more new Shimmer and Shine Games online for our administrative team to be sharing with everyone here for free on our website today, which is the reason why right at this moment we are offering you all the opportunity to have a great time with a game such as Shimmer and Shine 1 2 3 Music Key, which is terrific, as music games online have not been added to this page before. Great, right? Now, let's see how it works, so you can let the fun begin immediately!

The piano in front of you will have colored keys on it, and they are going to blink in a certain order so that the song is played correctly. What your duty will be is to remember the sequence right, so that you afterward click on the keys in the exact same order. Do it right, and then you get a new sequence, a larger one, but fun as well, and probably even more fun.

If you already love memory games, this one with music will be to your liking even more, since it will be something fresh. Enjoy the game right now, and make sure to stick around for even more of our great content!

Game controls

Use the mouse.