Travel Trouble

📅 02.06.2019 Played 2119 times 47 votes

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About Travel Trouble


Today on our website we are very happy that we can come here and offer you new Steven Universe Games to play online, which is why right now all of you get the chance of having an excellent time with the game called Travel Trouble, a game that is different from everything else we have added in it before, so we really hope that you are up for this new and awesome experience we're happy to share with you right now.

Let's explain more about what you do in it and how, so pay attention here! You move the character around using the arrow keys. In each level, you have to find and collect three donuts in order to clear it. Be on the lookout for any objects that you can pick up and which can be of great help to you and the character. Get on top of platforms to teleport.

That's about everything you need to know about this adventure game we're sure you will love playing with this awesome Cartoon Network character, and we hope to see you some more here because even more great games are on their way for you right now!

Game controls

Use the arrows.