Vikings War

📅 06.04.2019 Played 1502 times 5 votes

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About Vikings War


Here on our website we want to make sure that our visitors find and play some of the best new 2 Players Games online, and that is because we know how much popularity these games have all over the world, and how exciting and fun they are to be played as well, so sharing with everyone right now a game like Vikings War was the only right call to make.

It is a fighting game and action game unlike you have played here before, so why not read this to the end before you start playing it? Well, you are going to be able to play the game against the computer if you want to, by choosing the tournament mode, although we would definitely recommend the 1 vs 1 mode.

You have to throw the sword that your Viking is holding and hit the other Viking with it, and the first one to land three hits on the opponent is going to become the winner, simple as that. Use either the mouse or the up arrow key to throw. Good luck, enjoy, and don't stop at this game, but make sure to play even more of our great content, you won't regret it!

Game controls

Use the mouse and arrows.