Xmas Draw

📅 24.06.2019 Played 1723 times 0 votes

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About Xmas Draw


Xmas Draw is not just the final game we have prepared for the day into the Christmas Games category of our website, but it is also one of the few games that manage to combine drawing with platform games as well as this one, resulting in quite the new and fresh experience for everyone to have here, so we really hope that for anything in the world you are not going to be missing out on this opportunity.

Now, from this following part of the article you learn what you have to do, so keep on reading! Your goal in each level will be to help the man reach the tree or grab all of the gifts in each level. To do so, use the mouse to draw a line to them, and try to draw only the necessary amount of line because too much will not do good to your score.

Then, after you have drawn the path, use the arrow keys to move along on it and reach your goal. Make sure not to fall off or hit any obstacles along the way. Good luck, and when you're done with this game, make sure you try out some more of our games!

Game controls

Use the mouse and arrows.