Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs Jigsaw Puzzle

📅 08.02.2020 Played 1759 times 0 votes

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About Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs Jigsaw Puzzle


It's with great joy that we're getting the chance of returning to the Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs Games category, this new category of Boomerang Games we've created not too long ago, and where we are hoping to bring you as many new and interesting games as possible, knowing very well that games with The Flintstones have always been sought-after, and even more so games that you can play with the new animated shows.

Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs Jigsaw Puzzle is the name of the game, and because there have been no other games in this category like this one before, allow us to teach you its format right now and here! The jigsaw pieces for each puzzle will be placed on the right and left sides of the transparent image.

With the mouse, you are going to take the pieces and place them over the image, where they match it, and piece-by-piece you put them all together until the pieces form a complete image, and then you advance to the next puzzle you have to solve, with a new picture of your new favorite characters from Boomerang.

It is all as fun and simple as we are telling you here, so waste no time at all, start playing the game right now, and don't leave anywhere, since we hope that you will be playing more of the great new games we've got in store for the day!

Game controls

Use the mouse.