Arena of Janissary

📅 15.04.2019 Played 3837 times 23 votes

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About Arena of Janissary


Welcome all and all to Arena of Janissary, one of the best new four-player games online that you can all play for free right now on our website, where you get to have a lot of fun on your mobile devices unlike you get to do it very often, and this is going to be a game we are sure you are not going to forget anytime soon, and with which there will be a lot of fun. We will now provide you with more details about it, so make sure to keep reading!

Well, you are going to start by choosing how many players you want to play, with the highest number being four. You are going to choose which car you want to be by selecting one of the C, Q, P, M keys, with each player controlling their car with one of these keys. What your ultimate goal will be is to give it your all to take down the other cars, hit them and bring them down by taking them out of the rink.

The left car standing is going to be the winner, and the first one to win three battles is going to win the whole game. Good luck, and enjoy!

Game controls

Use the C, Q, P, M keys.