AZ Tank Trouble 4

📅 29.03.2021 Played 14220 times 74 votes

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About AZ Tank Trouble 4


You can't say that it is daily that on our website you get to find and play new tank games online in 4 players, but this is an opportunity we are very happy to provide you all with right now and here, when we have shared with everyone the new game called AZ Tank Trouble 4, a high-quality game with a simple premise and easy-to-understand gameplay, where boys from all over the world are guaranteed to have tons of fun from start to finish!

You can choose how many players are entering the tank arena for battle, with up to four being the max, so we will now teach you how each of you can control your tank. Player 1 uses E, S, D, F to move and Q to shoot, Player 2 uses I, J, K, L, and Y, Player 3 uses the arrow keys and CTRL, and Player 4 will use 8, 4, 5, 6 and 0.

Each of the four tanks will have a different color and will be thrown on a map that is maze-like, and in it, the four players have to find one another and shoot the enemies down, because the last tank standing becomes the winner of the tanks war, simple as that! Good luck with that we wish for all the four players of the game, and we hope to see you around since more new games are on their way!

Game controls

P1: E, S, D, F, Q. P2: I, J, K, L, Y. P3: arrows, CTRL. P4: 8, 4, 5, 6, 0.