Neon Pong

📅 22.04.2019 Played 1759 times 3 votes

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About Neon Pong


We know that there are a lot of children out there interested in playing ping pong games 2 player, so right here and now we are very happy to offer them such content, through the game called Neon Pong, a game we have absolutely no doubt at all that everyone here is going to enjoy playing a lot, from beginning to end, just like it has been the case for us. We will now use this next part of the article to teach you what you have to do in the game, after which playing it should be quite easy!

Well, start by choosing if you want to play against the computer or if you wish to play against a real player. In the two player mode, the one we are talking about, what you do is trying to get the ball over to your opponent's side and go past behind him, because you then score a point, and the first one to score seven will be the winner.

One player moves their platform using the right and left arrows, while the second player is going to use the A and D keys. Good luck to both of you, and we hope you enjoy this game a lot!

Game controls

Use the A and D keys, right and left arrows.