Shimmer and Shine Memory

📅 19.07.2019 Played 3578 times 14 votes

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About Shimmer and Shine Memory


The Shimmer and Shine Games category of our website is right now about to become even more diverse than it already was, with our team happily bringing you all in it a game such as Shimmer and Shine Memory, and we are very excited about it because we have not had any memory games with cards here before, or any memorizing games in general, meaning you are in for a treat, since it will be a fresh experience.

Worry not, since we tell you all about it here, making sure you play the game with ease! There will be eighteen cards on the screen, all of them face-down. You click on two cards at a time to turn them around, and every time that the two cards you have flipped have the same image on them, they get removed, granting you 200 points. Each pair of cards you flip and is not identical costs you 20 points, so try not to make too many mistakes.

Win the game once you have cleared the screen of all the pairs of cards by having matched them all. Good luck, and if you are up for more fun, try the other great new games already added today for everyone here!

Game controls

Use the mouse.