Shimmer and Shine Better Together

📅 20.07.2019 Played 3804 times 32 votes

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About Shimmer and Shine Better Together


Of course we have more new Shimmer and Shine Games to offer you all for free today on our website, which is why right in this moment you get the chance to play the game called Shimmer and Shine Better Together, a game you can't really find on many other websites, so the chances are very high that you are going to be having a new and interesting experience with these characters from Nick Jr that you love so much.

There's no need for concern, since right here and now we will explain the game's format, making sure you play it with ease!  There are three mini-games in total, but the third one gets unlocked only after you have finished the first two. The first is a memory matching game with cards, where level after level the cards that you have to match get bigger in number, and you click on them to flip them around and match the pairs.

The second game focuses on the pets of the two girls, but what you will be doing there we let you find out yourself, to keep things fresh and exciting. Good luck, and make sure not to stop here, since we've got more great content coming today for you all!

Game controls

Use the mouse.