Shimmer and Shine Pencil Coloring

📅 18.07.2019 Played 3639 times 11 votes

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About Shimmer and Shine Pencil Coloring


Right now and here we are keeping our promise of offering you more new Shimmer and Shine Games online on our website today, and for that very reason we are very excited to share with everyone right now a game such as Shimmer and Shine Pencil Coloring, which is not only the first, but surely one of the best coloring games for girls that this category will ever have, so giving it a chance right now is what we hope you are all going to do!

We will be explaining the game's format right here, so we recommend reading this to the end before you begin! At your disposal, there are going to be no less than six different coloring pages you can play with, and you choose to color them in whatever order you want to. How? Well, it is quite easy.

From the bottom of the screen, you get to select a color you want to use. Then, to apply it, click and hold the left mouse button, and then move the mouse on the page, which is where the color will appear. Using this method, bring the image to life and we're sure it will look amazing thanks to your coloring!

Game controls

Use the mouse.