
📅 01.07.2020 Played 1885 times 7 votes

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About SlingShot


Playing 4 Player Games is something that you are now able to do once more on our website, and since we've not had any new games like this one in a while, we are even more excited at the chance of sharing it with you, as right now you will be in for a whole lot of fun, just like we've had because that is why we needed to share the game with you immediately!

You can play by yourself against the computer, or you can choose between the 2P, 3P, and 4P mode, depending on how many of you want to play together. Each of you picks their character, with options such as dancing lady, bicyclist, DJ, businessman, and plenty of others, and each one of you uses one key to shoot their slingshots. The keys are W, K, P, G.

Each of you has different tokens on their side of the board, which is divided into how many of you there are. The goal that you have is to aim and shoot the tokens just like with a slingshot, with the goal that you have being to hit them in such a way that you move all of your tokens over to the side of an enemy.

It's that simple, and a whole lot of fun, for sure, so start right now, and don't stop here, since we've got other cool games you would not want to miss out on!

Game controls

Use the W, G, K, P keys.