Wobbly Boxing

📅 27.05.2023 Played 1477 times 11 votes

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About Wobbly Boxing


Welcome all to Wobbly Boxing, one of the latest original games developed by our team for our website, which is also one of the best new boxing games for 2 players online that we have had here in quite a while, and we are sure that boxing online with two people is now going to be even better than if you were to do it solo.

Do Wobbly Boxing online with two players!

Let's begin by telling you how to assume control of the two stickmen, which are going to be the boxers in the arena:

  • Player 1 moves with WASD, F, and G to punch, and T for power punch.
  • Player 2 moves with the ARROW keys, L and K to punch, and O for power punch.

The purpose you have is quite simple, which is to hit your opponent more than they hit you, depleting their health bar first, which is how you win the boxing match, while they will try to do the very same thing to you. Who will win? Only by playing can you find out, so start right now!

Game controls

P1: WASD, F, G, and T. P2: ARROWS, L, K, and O.