Romping Robot Power Punchout

📅 14.04.2020 Played 2063 times 5 votes

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About Romping Robot Power Punchout


Romping Robot Power Punchout is the latest game that our administrative team is very happy to have brought you right now for free into the Captain Underpants Games category, which, as you can clearly see, still has plenty more new and awesome content to offer, and it would really be a shame to miss out on any of these games since they always bring you something new and exciting.

This time, for example, they've brought you one of the website's newest robot fighting games, and since such games with these characters had not been added to this page before, this should be a fresh and awesome experience for you all. To begin with, choose which of the two robot boys you want to be, with the computer using the other one to fight.

Obviously, the goal that you have is simple, which is to defeat the other robot, depleting their health bar completely before they can do the same thing to you first.

Move and jump using the arrow keys, press N for a jab punch, B for a roundhouse punch, and use the two keys in combination with the arrows to use special moves and punches.

Win three out of five rounds to be declared the winner of the battle. What are you waiting for? The robot punching game begins right now, so have fun with this and any of our other games with Captain Underpants!


Game controls

Use the arrows, N, B keys.