44 Cats Memory

📅 03.09.2019 Played 2137 times 5 votes

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About 44 Cats Memory


It is with great delight that today we get the chance of sharing with you the first-ever game belonging to our newly-created category of 44 Cats Games, the latest category of Nickelodeon Games we are very happy to have made for you, because there are a bunch of new and interesting games that we plan on sharing with you all in it, one more awesome than the other one, and we started right now with this one, a game called 44 Cats Memory.

It is a memory game with cards we've enjoyed a great deal, and which we explain how it works right now, so reading this helps you give the game your best! There are three levels of difficulty for you to choose from in the game, with a different number of cards and a different time being given in each.

You click on two cards at a time to flip them around, and every time that the two cards are identical, they get removed. Use this method to remove all of the cards from the screen before the time granted for that runs out on you completely. Enjoy, and stick around for more great content of ours all day long!

Game controls

Use the mouse.