44 Cats Puzzle

📅 08.09.2019 Played 2320 times 2 votes

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About 44 Cats Puzzle


44 Cats Puzzle is the first-ever puzzle game that our team has brought over to the 44 Cats Games category, which is why we are very excited at the prospect of all of you giving it a chance right now and here, because if we are to tell from our own time with this game, you are in for quite a new and interesting experience, one that everyone is bound to enjoy a great deal, just like we have had, and like you always do with our great content.

We will now proceed to explain how this game works, so reading this to the end helps you give it your best. From the right side of the game screen, you get the chance of choosing the puzzle that you want to solve, and you can solve all of them if you wish to. Click on the button in the middle of the image in order to separate it into pieces which are then randomly spread on the screen. Use the mouse after to pick the pieces and put them together until they form a full picture again.

Good luck, and don't stop here, since we have added other games too, which we hope you try out as well!

Game controls

Use the mouse.