44 Cats Memory Matching

📅 09.09.2019 Played 1476 times 3 votes

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About 44 Cats Memory Matching


We saw that previously added games to the 44 Cats Games category of our website had been well received here, so we figured that adding a new one right now would be a great idea, and all those who have really enjoyed the first game are bound to enjoy this one a great deal as well, and something tells us that you will not miss this even if you've not played the first, since it still remains an opportunity to have a great time.

We will now proceed to explain what you do and how, so why not pay attention to this before starting? With the mouse, you click on two cards at a time to flip them over, and when the two cards are identical they remain visible, otherwise, they turn back. With this method, your goal is to find all six pairs of cards and make it so that all of the twelve cards will have their character visible, and then you will have won the game.

A great time we hope you all have, and don't stop here, since more great games have been added here all day long, and we're sure you don't want to miss them, right?

Game controls

Use the mouse.