Uncle Grandpa Storyboard

📅 10.03.2020 Played 1283 times 1 votes

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About Uncle Grandpa Storyboard


Uncle Grandpa is always encouraging kids to be creative, just like he is doing it in this awesome new game he prepared for you all, a game called Uncle Grandpa Storyboard, which is going to get all of your creative juices flowing, improving your creativity, since it is a great game that combines drawing with coloring and being artistic, as we're sure that all the kids visiting our website is.

Ever animated show has storyboards, which are the pages on which the artists draw the characters and everything else around them, ultimately putting them all together to create the cartoon. This game presents you with a lot of storyboards that are not finished, and you can use your imagination to fully complete them.

From the bottom of the page, you are going to select the crayon to color, and the eraser when you want to undo something you've done. Using these two tools you are going to complete the storyboards however your imagination tells you, so draw to your heart's content and have a great time!

If you love these kinds of experiences, our Cartoon Network Games category has plenty more similar games for you to enjoy, and we would really hope you give them a chance and continue having fun on ZUZU!

Game controls

Use the mouse.