Rock Paper Tummy

📅 26.02.2020 Played 1363 times 4 votes

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About Rock Paper Tummy


Uncle Grandpa always loves doing things a little bit different and crazier, so today, instead of playing the classic rock-paper-scissors game that kids from all over the world are familiar with, you are going to try out Rock Paper Tummy, which is the same as the original, only with a twist, as the hands that you use for the game are going to be extending out of the bellies of the two characters, which can only happen through magic.

You are playing against Uncle Grandpa, and you need to choose the right move before the time runs out in order to beat him. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, and scissors beat paper. Each time that you win you get points but try not to make too many draws, because that lowers the number of points you can get for a sequence.

Oh, and make sure not to make one wrong move, or you lose, because you need to win two out of three times in order to win the battle. As you can see, a really fun time awaits you, and trust us when we say that you will enjoy this awesome skill game even more than in real life.

Uncle Grandpa also has plenty other great games with him he would love you to check out, so do not hesitate to try them and see for yourself how fun they also are!

Game controls

Use the mouse.