Uncle Grandpa Memory Game

📅 28.02.2020 Played 1066 times 0 votes

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About Uncle Grandpa Memory Game


In the newly-created category of Uncle Grandpa Games of our website, we have not had any memory games added so far, which is why you can imagine us being very happy that right now we get to share with everyone here such a game, a new and interesting game that we've all loved playing a great deal, a game called Uncle Grandpa Memory Cards which we highly recommend to everyone who wants to improve their memory in a fun way.

Of course, some of you might not be familiar with this format, so you can use this following part of the article to learn all about it. In each level, you have to match all of the identical pairs of cards in order to have them eliminated and get points in return, 10 for each correct match that you make.

The cards are face-down, so click on two cards at once to flip them over, and every time they are identical they are out. Every time they are not you lose one life and know that you only have ten, so make sure not to lose them all before clearing a level, or you lose the game and have to start all over again!

Good luck to all you fans of memory games with cards as well as Uncle Grandpa, and don't hesitate to invite your friends over as well, since we're positive they would love all the great games we have to offer here also!

Game controls

Use the mouse.