Uncle Grandpa with Difference

📅 05.03.2020 Played 1460 times 2 votes

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About Uncle Grandpa with Difference


Uncle Grandpa Games has been quite the productive category, which is why we are now very happy that we can share with you a new and awesome game in it that is unlike anything else you've played here before, a game that is called Uncle Grandpa with Difference, where all of us have had a tremendous time from start to finish, and we're sure that you will too.

If you don't regularly play online differences games, don't worry for a second, since right now we teach you what to do and how to make sure that you play the game with ease and give it your best! Between the two images that are next to each other and seem identical, there are five differences that need to be found.

You have around a minute to do so, after which you lose a life, and if you lose all three lives, meaning the differences are not found in three minutes, you lose the game and have to start again. Also, for each difference you find and click on you earn 10 points, so you get a total of fifty points after each level.

As you can see, a lot of fun awaits you, so don't stop here, give this game a go and enjoy it plenty, and remember that we've got even more great content on the way for you right now, so don't miss it!

Game controls

Use the mouse.