Captain Underpants Find Objects

📅 15.04.2020 Played 1848 times 2 votes

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About Captain Underpants Find Objects


Hidden objects games with Captain Underpants have never been added before on our website up to this point, so you can imagine how excited we are that such a change has been provided to us all right now, with the terrific new game called Captain Underpants Find Objects, where you get to see images from this wonderful movie, in which you have to find different spots of it.

When it comes to browser gaming, hidden spots games are kind of new, so let us explain this one's format, making sure you don't have problems with the game at all!

In each of the two levels, find the spots in the list down below in the image, clicking on them when doing so, and do it before the timer reaches 0 seconds, or you lose. You have a minute and a half.

Also, make sure not to click wrong three times, because you only have three lives available, and losing them all means losing the game and having to start all over again!

These are the basics of the game, and now that you know them, nothing should be holding you back from starting this wonderful new game right now, and having fun with Captain Underpants in a way different than you've done so far!

Game controls

Use the mouse.