Underpants Blunderpants

📅 10.04.2020 Played 3302 times 4 votes

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About Underpants Blunderpants


We saw that you are really getting into the new Captain Underpants Games we're sharing with you here free of charge, so no doubt in our minds you are now going to have a really great time with the latest addition to it, a game called Underpants Blunderpants, where there's no way not to be excited for it, as 2 player games with Captain Underpants had not been added before here, and this is it!

We realize that the title does not really give away what you're supposed to do in the game, so let's explain here for all those who are going to be trying it out! The player controlling Underpants is going to use the w, a, s, d keys, while the player controlling Blunderpants uses K, O, L, ','.

What are you doing? How are you competing? Well, you are fighting against one another, trying to catch more falling items than the other player before the time granted for that runs out on you. Be quick on your feet and try to catch as many of the items as possible.

The one who wins the competition is going to go to an extra-round, where they try to earn even more points and humiliate the loser. Good luck to both players, we hope you have fun, and we hope we see both of you trying the other games that are to follow in this new and exciting friv category!

Game controls

Use the keyboard.