Captain Underpants Puzzle Mania

📅 10.04.2020 Played 1672 times 1 votes

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About Captain Underpants Puzzle Mania


If you thought you would love solving Captain Underpants puzzles, well, now you can, as right now we are excited to have shared with you the new and awesome game called Captain Underpants Puzzle Mania, the first game of its kind in the category, where you are in for a whole lot of fun, something that we can also say about our own time spent on playing it and having fun with it.

As we already know how these puzzle mania games work, we will explain it to you here and now, making sure you are able to give the game your everything! There will be a total of 12 puzzles for you to solve, unlocking one after solving the one before it, and so forth until you've solved all the puzzles.

For each of them, you pick between the easy, medium, and hard levels of difficulty, and depending on your choice you are going to have more or fewer pieces in the puzzle.

After the jigsaw pieces have been spread on the screen, you use the mouse to pick them up, connecting them with the other pieces that it fits with, until the puzzle is a whole and complete image once again.

Good luck in using this method to solve all of the Captain Underpants puzzle games, and don't hesitate to see what other games this category has in store for you if you have not already played them!

Game controls

Use the mouse.